Education Visions Podcast — German Version

Zooming in on stimulating and innovative views, practices, policies, and research from around the world in the field of education


Episode 7 – October 2023 – Dealing with pupils suffering from emotional or behavioural disorders and the resulting discipline problems – A tactical guide proposed by Professor Michael Shaughnessy, from Eastern New Mexico University, United States.

Soundtracked using AI voices.
For those who prefer a visual demonstration:
– Kauffman, J. M. & Landrum, T. J. (2018). Characteristics of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and youth. 11th Edition. Pearson, New York
– Smith, R. (2004) Conscious classroom management. Conscious Teaching Publications, San Rafael, California.

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Episode 6 – September 2023 – Exposing learners to different cultures: An opening to Asian-American pop culture – A review of Yang, J., Yu, P., & Wang, P. (2023). Rise: A pop history of Asian America from the nineties to now. Mariner Books. ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0358508090, by Gillian Benedetti, from Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, United States.

Soundtracked using AI voices.

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Episode 5 – July 2023 – Arousing high school students’ interest in history and academic writing: The Concord Review – An interview with Will Fitzhugh by Professor Michael Shaughnessy, from Eastern New Mexico University, United States. The Concord Review:

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Episode 4 – June 2023 – The rise of micro-certifications. Based on OECD’s policy review: OECD (2023). Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability: Uses and possibilities. OECD Education Policy Perspectives, No. 66, OECD Publishing, Paris. – DOI:

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Episode 3 – May 2023 – How to increase a country’s PISA performance. A policy report based on European Commission (2022). Successful PISA stories in the EU – How some Member states have been able to improve their performance over time: final report. Publications Office of the European Union.

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Episode 2 – April 2023 – Which futures for education? A review of Jacques Attali (2022). Histoires et avenirs de l’éducation. Flammarion. ISBN 978-2-0804-1534-9.

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Episode 1 – March 2023 – Do educational researchers have an influence on educational policy? A research report based on Tchibozo G. (2022). Researcher-expert collaboration and the involvement of education researchers in the making of education policy. Education Thinking, 2(1), 19-39.

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